When Country Proud meets prejudice…

It started with a beeping smoke detector, one that kept me up half the night. The next morning I called the superintendent about that beeping thing only to discover he was away for the weekend. So I asked my neighbour for help. He came over with a huge ladder and pried the detector apart, hoping to pull out the battery. But there wasn’t one, at one least visible, there was a lithium battery tucked away somewhere inaccessible, unless you held both a hammer and rage. That was when he invited me to help him find the instruction manual. As he was rummaging through the drawer, I noticed a stack of flyers that, if a little larger, could be seen from space. They were completely red with some black text and colourful pictures. It was very “rah rah our country is the best – or it would be if Trudeau wasn’t prime minister”. There were many blurbs about our rights and how they’re being trampled, along with having Trudeau charged with treason. There are only two reasons he could be charged. One is if he physically harmed the person on the throne and two is leading a full on attack on Canada. Since I never saw him backhand the Queen during his visit or heard about him gathering an army to invade Ottawa, I think he’s safe there.

I made note of the website, which wasn’t hard, and searched it out. The website was just as red and was dotted with colourful, patriotic, primary school style cartoons. A map of Canada, Mounties, beavers, maple syrup, and hockey. They were comforting and very stereotypically Canadian. All the text was upbeat, assuring the readers that they were doing great and making a difference, before asking for donations and volunteers. I scrolled past a few links, and then I saw it, the new pride flag with a line and circle placed in the centre. Nothing like patriotism and a dose of homophobia. I steeled myself and clicked the link.

Many years ago I had a friend who I met in the tenant’s association and, when we both had Facebook, we added each other. I hadn’t realized until then that she was a huge conspiracy theorist. And her aim was to get me to see the “truth”. One day she sent me an, I am loathe to call it an article, a series of words. There were links scattered throughout, all of them from reputable sources. I clicked on the first link and it was the same topic but exactly the opposite of what they were claiming. All the other links were the same. I realized the author knew his audience would never click the links, that for all they called themselves lions, they would blindly follow anyone who said they had the truth and assured them they were on top of the pack and everyone else were sheep. This website was the same.

The whole page was devoted to fear mongering about sexual education in school. They included a link to the Comprehensive Sexuality Education. I clicked on the link and, sure enough, it was nothing like what was written. What is it about people who claim they’re leaders and know the truth? Meanwhile they can’t even click links and Google names. I’m underwhelmed with their leadership skills.

It was about what I expected. Lots of fearmongering about what sexual depravities the children are learning from 0-4 years old where they claim the children must learn about masturbation (as if they all haven’t discovered it on their own) and that they “develop an interest in their own and others’ bodies“. This escalates all the way to 9-12 years old where they should have already had sex and be browsing through online porn. It’s both sobering and frightening that grown adults could look at this codswallop and think it was real. And then I read the last piece which involves SOGI. They claimed the program is crossing into gender confusion that is harming the well being of young students”.

Whoever is operating this organization has something against the UNFPA, UNICEF, IPPF, UNESCO and the UN World Health Organization. This time SOGI was blamed on the UN, claiming it was inspired by the human rights win of “a gay man in Australia”. No mention of who he is or what the win actually entailed, they wrote exactly what their readers wanted to know, that he was gay. Because that’s the crux of the matter, that’s why they put a pride flag next to the story. Underneath the flag it says they need to “stop the segregation of students through SOGI”. First, do they even know what segregation is? And second, they’re the ones wanting to hush the queer kids into silence and to let them know, through actions, that they’re lesser than the other students.

Last year I wrote a post about a neighbour who informed me that he was fine with the LGB’s or whatever as long as “they keep their lifestyles to themselves”. He didn’t want anything rammed down his throat. This isn’t the Church of Homosexuality and Queerness. There isn’t anyone going door to door extolling rainbows and fabulousness. Nobody is wanting to put anything into any of his orifices. But there it is. An idea has permeated through our culture (and other cultures as well) that queer people are just sex, sex, sex, and perversion.

Five or so years ago I had a friend who I met through work. We got along well. She came to my Christmas party and we went out for lunch a time or two. Then I told her about an instance that happened at Canada’s Wonderland, a large amusement park just north of Toronto. Colin and I had gone to the park with PFLAG to celebrate Gay Day. It was great! Free transportation (with snacks), discounted day passes, and a bbq dinner. It wasn’t until the next day that I heard about the couple at the waterpark. They hugged briefly and parents complained vociferously that children should not be exposed to that sort of thing and the young men were ejected from the waterpark. I told my friend about the instance only to have her tell me she agreed with the parents and the staff. Things of a sexual nature should stay in the bedroom; little children don’t need to witness that. Then I what she’d think of a straight couple doing then exact same thing and she was fine with it. Because if a straight person hugs their partner it’s a show of affection. If a gay couple does the same it’s perverse and a sign they’re going to strip and do the nasty. We weren’t friends after that.

The person who wrote that page of misinformation wrote, near the bottom, that “it’s fair to note that all men and women of any orientation and gender deserve equal rights” as if this mitigated the fact they used a crossed out pride flag as the image for the post. You can’t say everyone’s equal then slap a pride flag beside a post on degeneracy. It just doesn’t work.

And SOGI was created by the ARC foundation in Vancouver, BC

Facing queerphobia…

my cute little face in kindergarten filteredI can’t remember exactly how old I was, probably around five or six, but it was summer and a handful of us girls were on “the circle”, an area of grass at the end of our court. We were trying to think of something to do when one of the girls piped up, “Let’s play wedding!”

I was meh on the whole idea. She only wanted to play wedding because she had a crush on Peter and she could pretend to marry him. Then all she needed was someone to marry them, a bridesmaid, and one or two people to hold down Peter so he couldn’t escape. The rest of us were the audience and simply stood there. This really didn’t seem like much fun to me and a hell of a lot less fun for Peter. Then I came up with a partial solution. Why didn’t she marry one her her friends? That at least took Peter off the hook.

There was a song I loved when I was that age by The Vogues called “Five O’clock World” and, in part, it read:

’cause it’s a five o’clock world when the whistle blows
No-one owns a piece of my time
And there’s a long-haired girl who waits, I know
To ease my troubled mind, yeah!
In the shelter of her arms everything’s okay
She talks and the world goes slipping away
And I know the reason I can still go on
When every other reason is gone

In my kindergarten mind I knew I was going to grow up someday and need to work but that when I finished work she would be waiting for me and would hug me and ask me about my day. I never said anything about it to anyone but why would I? It was my normal. And then I made my suggestion to the other girls.

The girl with the crush was horrified. “That’s disgusting!” she exclaimed, staring at me in disbelief. “Why would you even say that?”

“Peter doesn’t want to play,” I protested. “And you’re all friends.”

“Girls don’t marry girls. Ever!” she announced firmly. “That’s gross!

I nodded my head. I don’t know if she was the oldest but she felt like the oldest to me and everyone knew the big kids knew more. And it wasn’t like anyone else in the world wanted to hug or marry someone of the same gender, at least not in my world and they’re the same thing at that age. So I packed up my feelings and buried them away. I’ve gotten very good at that over the years, packing thoughts away in places only my nightmares can find.

There were some cracks in my thoughts and feelings over the years but it wasn’t until I was in my 40’s and was friends with someone who was both openly queer and willing to listen that I started unpacking thoughts and memories I’d long forgotten I’d even had. I’m still unpacking. The 80’s were pretty bad. Like, hey, I’m trapped at a school event beside a teacher and fellow students who are laughing and joking about driving to the “Gay Village” of Toronto to throw rocks at the queers because it was so much fun. “And how many have you hit? Did anyone bleed?” My suicidal ideation started around that time.

Then there was yesterday. I woke up all excited and ready to start the day and even put on my ace t-shirt and rainbow socks for International Asexuality Day. Then after my exercise class I got my bundle buggy and headed out the door, determined to get some walking in plus some necessities, which I did. I also picked up a yummy looking chocolate bar, a fresh cinnamon bun for this morning (it was delicious), my favourite peanut butter cups, and four gourmet cupcakes. By the time I went to all 5 stores (two were only for one item) I was wiped and my buggy was heavier than me. I was soon on the little On Demand bus and heading home. The driver even dropped me off at the front door of my building and helped me with my buggy (bonus good mood). And then my neighbour came running out the door to show the driver her cat.

She came back inside while I was still in the lobby and then started to talk. Soon she asked me how I was doing.

“I’m fine,” I replied cheerfully. “It’s International Asexuality Day-

“What?” she replied loudly so I repeated myself, making sure to enunciate each word clearly.


Okay, obviously it wasn’t a hearing issue. Maybe she’d never heard of asexuality. No big deal but I was feeling a bit grumbly. I’d brought it up as a segue into my yummy cupcakes and a definition plus a possible q&a were going to take up more time than I’d anticipated.

“Asexuality is when you don’t have sexual attraction toward-

“That’s disgusting!” she announced flatly and with finality.

Fury flushed my cheeks. I wasn’t just going to roll over and hide. Not anymore.

“I’m asexual,” I informed her.

“Disgusting!” she replied then she stormed down the hallway the opposite direction from her apartment. I silently wished whoever she was visiting the best of luck then pushed the button for my floor. One I got home I put everything away then logged into Facebook and recounted what had just happened, ending with:

“She better get coal in her stocking this year! Also, these cupcakes are going to be amazing!!!”

I figured I’d get some support (if Facebook didn’t wander off with my post and hide it somewhere) and for the most part I did. But there were a couple of dissenters and, as always, they were a complete surprise. Two women I’ve known online since around 1998-2000. The comments hit like blows.

  • Maybe she was just uncomfortable because I was “discussing my sexuality” by saying what day it was and maybe that made her scared so she reacted.
  • It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t know what asexuality is the whole idea of someone announcing their sexuality as a “holiday” can come across rather bluntly and confusing as it should be a personal topic.
  • The whole scenario, if it happened to me, I would be left feeling like a person had no boundaries and overshared details which would leave me feeling very uncomfortable and full of red flags about the person.
  • You are discussing your bedroom with someone who didn’t consent to knowing about your lifestyle.
The platform for awareness is what matters and this was not the time or place to announce you’re preferences for the bedroom.
Then I left the computer for dinner and a much needed break and came back after my lavender and chocolate cupcake (by Sweets from the Earth) and discovered that one of my friends had unfriended me while I was away from my keyboard. I guess I won’t be seeing her sunrise and lake photos this year.
And no, seriously no. Saying three words, International Asexuality Day, is not telling anyone what I prefer in the bedroom nor is it discussing my bedroom.
A “lifestyle” is country vs downtown condo or eclectic vs modern. No one says that being straight is a lifestyle. That’s because sexual orientation is not a lifestyle.
And where’s my consent? Where’s my consent when friends go into uber detail about their dates? Or when eye candy pictures get posted and people talk about dragging him into the bedroom and how hot he’s making them? Straight people discuss their “bedroom” all the time. Who their dating… who they’d like to date… that hot guy on the show… what’s going on with their husband… all of that is fine, normal, and has nothing to do with the bedroom. But I mention a holiday and I suddenly need to bring a clipboard and legal documents to make sure everyone knows exactly what three words they’re about to hear.
In short, there is nothing wrong with announcing that it’s any day, week, or month that belongs to the LGBTQIA community. It does not tell anyone anything about what someone’s doing in their bedroom any more than saying you’re straight tells them what you do.
As my friend Sylvia pointed out, there is a major holiday that celebrates sexuality every single year. I had the same two people deny it but really? They sell frigging red satin lingerie with lace for the occasion. Yes, there’s romance involved but, at the end of the day, the day’s supposed to end in the bedroom with those rose petals and itchy undies. And straight people are totally fine with that because it’s directly marketed to them. International Asexuality Day isn’t marketed toward sex or bedrooms so why is that the one that’s oversharing and overly personal?
Some days I think we’ve moved so far ahead as a society and that maybe, just maybe, it’s safe for me to peek my head out and just be myself.
Other times I realize we’re all just standing in the dust calling anything we don’t understand “gross” while throwing rocks at those we find weird.
And for the love of all you hold dear, can everyone just make enough room to stand and be myself without judgement?